Corporate Communication

Início de Operações no Estado de Pernambuco

Initiate operations in the state of Pernambuco

In July 2015, Furlong do Brasil started its transport operations in the city of Goiana – PE

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Novo Parque Logístico em São José dos Pinhais

New Logistic Park São Jose dos Pinhais

In November 2016, Furlong do Brasil moved to a new logistic park in São Jose dos Pinhais. This logistic facility is more modern and broader,

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Novo Sistema de routing Tracking e Mobile

New Tracking and Mobile routing system

In July 2017, Furlong do Brasil implemented a new routing system, with online tracking and mobile technologies. This system allows the optimization

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Comemoração dos 25 anos da Transportes Furlong do Brasil

Celebrating 25 years of Furlong do Brasil

No ano de 2017  comemoramos os 25 anos de trabalho no Brasil.   There are no limitations on where you

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Início do processo de certificação OEA

Initiate OEA´s certification process

In September 2019, Furlong do Brasil initiated the OEA certification process with the assistance of Lira TTMS

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Início do processo de certificação ISO 14001

Initiate ISO 14.001 certification process

In October 2019, Furlong do Brasil started the ISO 14.001 process with the assistance of Alianza Consultoria

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Auditoria de Manutenção da ISO 9001

ISO 9.001 Maintenance Audit

In December 2019, Furlong do Brasil successfully obtained the ISO recertification validation

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Investimento em infraestrutura de TI para trabalho home office

Investment in IT infrastructure for home office work

In April 2020, Furlong do Brasil invested in a new server to be able to facilitate home office work in an efficient and safe way

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Responsabilidade Social – ação em conjunto com a Paróquia Santo Antônio do Bairro Batistini

Social Responsability – Joint action with Santo Antonio Parish from Batistini´s neigbourhoud

In April 2020, Furlong do Brasil donated food baskets to needy families from nearby communities in “Batistini 

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